Italian Present Tense: 3 grammar exercises in pdf to improve | ELLCI

Italian present tense: 3 easy exercises to improve your grammar (pdf)

italian grammar exercises

Italian present tense: 3 easy exercises to improve your grammar (pdf)

Learning grammar and practicing Italian grammar exercises is usually associated with the hardest and most boring task when you start learning the language.
Absorbing the basic Italian grammar rules while listening to natives having real conversations sounds more stress-free than doing Italian grammar exercises. That’s how kids learn and that’s why in ELLCI we use the communicative approach.

By listening to natives, you will acquire Italian grammar rules and expressions to use in real-life conversations. 

Nevertheless, practice makes perfect, and you can’t avoid those grammar exercises forever if you want to be really fluent. 

That’s why our expert teachers created Italian grammar exercises pdf around certain themes in order to boost your learning. Keep reading to download our  Italian grammar exercises pdf.

Italian Present Tense: let’s practice together

On this page, you will find out about the Italian present tense of the most common verbs and how to use it.

The present tense is used to talk about things that happen regularly or are happening at the time of speaking.


– actions happening at the time of speaking:

Roberto va al cinema..
Roberto is reading a book.

Ho molti libri in camera..
I have a lot of books in my bedroom.

– actions which happen regularly:

I ragazzi giocano a calcio il sabato.
On Saturdays, the boys play football.

In Italian there are three different categories of verbs, “coniugazioni” characterised by a distinct ending: -are, -ere or -ire:

Verbs ending in -ARE: cantare, mangiare, amare, etc. = PRIMA CONIUGAZIONE
Verbs ending in -ERE: credere, vedere, prendere etc = SECONDA CONIUGAZIONE
Verbs ending in -IRE: finire, partire, dormire = TERZA CONIUGAZIONE

How to form the present tense of verb ending are, ere, ire.

Regular verbs form the presente indicativo by adding the following endings to the root of the verb.

Mangiare (to eat) Prendere (to take) Partire (to leave)
Io mangio

 Tu mangi

 Lui/Lei mangia

 Noi mangiamo

 Voi mangiate

 Loro mangiano

Io prendo

 Tu prendi

 Lui/Lei prende

 Noi prendiamo

 Voi prendete

 Loro prendono

Io parto

 Tu parti

 Lui/Lei parte

 Noi partiamo

 Voi partite

 Loro partono


Auxiliary verbs are irregular verbs so their conjugation has to be studied by heart.

The present tense of essere and avere.

Essere (to be) Avere (to have)
Io sono

 Tu sei

 Lui/Lei è

 Noi siamo

 Voi siete

 Loro sono

Io ho

 Tu hai

 Lui/Lei ha

 Noi abbiamo

 Voi avete

 Loro hanno



Now you can download our Italian grammar exercises pdf

below, and practice Italian present tense with ELLCI free grammar exercise. 

Check out our Italian grammar exercises pdf