ELLCI celebrates 30th anniversary - live, learn, love Milan

ELLCI celebrates 30th anniversary – live, learn, love

ELLCI celebrates 30th anniversary - live, learn, love

ELLCI celebrates 30th anniversary – live, learn, love

1988-2018: ELLCI turns 30!

Founded in 1988, CENTRO STUDI FD provides personal training and new educational projects, particularly attentive to the student and his/her needs. Over the years, the teaching and promotion of Italian language and culture in Milan have become more central, giving life to ELLCI-Ente Lombardo Lingua e Cultura Italiana.

For this important anniversary, we celebrate with all ELLCI students residing in Milan on June 21st!

During the day there will be the first edition of ELLCI TALENTI in which the students will perform in singing and acting rehearsals inspired by Italian artistic productions.