Basic Italian Vocabulary & Exercises: Kitchen Tools | ELLCI

Basic Italian Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises: Kitchen Tools

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Basic Italian Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises: Kitchen Tools

Basic Italian Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises: Kitchen Tools

If you love Italy, we are sure that a part of your heart is also turned to its cuisine. Today we will give you some tools of the trade to better juggle around the table.

Italian Grammar Exercises to learn the Vocabulary for the Kitchen

What do you put on the table?

La tovaglia – to cover the table and not dirty it and make it cute, colorful or elegant depending on the occasion!)

Il tovagliolo – to clean your mouth that can get dirty while we eat

Le posate – that is what you use to collect or break up food, fork, spoon and knife

Il piatto fondo – to hold pasta, risotto and soups

Il piatto piano – to contain the main courses and vegetables

Il piattino da dessert – for holding sweets

La coppa/la coppetta – to hold spoon desserts, i.e. softer ones to be taken with a spoon (such as tiramisu, so to speak) or ice cream

Il bicchiere – for drinking water and beverages

Il sottobicchiere – saucer of different materials to place the glass on the table

Il calice – the glass for drinking wine

La tazza – for drinking tea or milk

La tazzina – for drinking coffee

Il piattino – to place cup and cup

Il cucchiaino – to stir the sugar in the coffee

La grattugia – to crumble the cheese to put on the pasta

La caraffa – for holding bulk water or wine

La zuccheriera – to contain the sugar

La saliera – to contain the salt

L’oliera – to contain the oil

What appliances can you use?

I fornelli – in Italy we use them on gas, they are the fires to cook food

Il frigorifero – it is used to store food that needs to stay cold

Il congelatore – it is used to freeze foods and keep them stored for a long time

Lo spremiagrumi – to reduce citrus fruits (lemon, oranges, grapefruits, mandarins…) to liquid and enjoy excellent juices!

Il forno – high temperature cooking system, it can operate on electricity or gas

Il microonde – to reheat food quickly

La lavastoviglie – appliance / machinery he washes dishes, cutlery and pots

Il frullatore – with special blades, it reduces food to pulp and turns it into liquid (mmm, a good fruit smoothie in summer is a real treat!)

Il tostapane – to toast slices of bread

What tools can you use?

La pentola – cylindrical container, with fire resistant material, with high sides and handles. Normally it is covered with il coperchio (the pot lid).

La padella – container used to cook food, round in shape, with a long handle and low edges. Used a lot for frying.

Il tegame – round container, with medium-low edges, is used for cooking, has two handles and is useful for cooking sauces and food.

La teglia – pan similar to the pan used to cook food in the oven

Il tagliere – wooden or plastic board used for slicing vegetables and, cheeses and meats

La scodella o la terrina – fairly deep, round bowl used to mix ingredients

Insalatiera – bowl used to hold salads

Il cavatappi – tool used to open bottles of wine with or of beer

La caffettiera – receptacle in which coffee is prepared and served

La bilancia – tool to measure the weight of the ingredients

L’apriscatole – tool to open the cans (for example the tuna can)

Lo schiaccianoci – tool for splitting nuts with hard shells

Il pelapatate – special knife for peeling potatoes or carrots if necessary

Il mestolo – large wooden or metal spoon used for mixing foods and serving them on plates.

Can you think of other important kitchen tools? Write to!

Complete the exercises in PDF to learn some cooking secrets.